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About Us 
About us

RSE/PSHE support for Wolverhampton schools 


PSHE/RSE support to Wolverhampton schools is offered by the Public Health 'Starting and Developing Well' team supported by the wider PH department, Education Excellence, C&YP services and the Educational Psychology departments of City of Wolverhampton Council.

This has extended the range of expertise and resources available to schools in relation to RSE/PSHE - and will take on forthcoming developments. 

To access the information on this website your school will need to have a Cloud W account. all schools in Wolverhampton should have this account but if you cannot access your account please contact Amanda Evans or Howard Jobber (details on 'Starting & Developing Well' Team page button below).


The lead in advising schools is Amanda Evans, the RSE/PSHE Advisory Teacher working within the 'Starting & Developing Well' Public Health Team. Amanda has a wealth of experience as a PSHE/RSE education subject lead at both secondary and primary phases. Please contact Amanda on 01902 553093 or e-mail her at


Please click the 'What We Offer' tab to see what services are on offer.



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